Blood Pressure Clinics

Older adults and those at risk for future cardiovascular disease or other chronic diseases are invited to take part in the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) by attending free blood pressure measurement and monitoring sessions.
The goal of CHAP is to PROMOTE cardiovascular health in our community and to raise awareness about the importance of blood pressure monitoring. Trained volunteers will help you:
- Measure your blood pressure and record your results.
- Complete a checklist about risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
- Address modifiable risk factors.
A copy of your results will be given to you and with your permission, sent to your family physician and regular pharmacist.
For information on times and locations WINTER SPRING 2020 NEWSLETTER
Call ONE CARE Intake toll free at 1-844-482-7800
The Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) was designed to support prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke in communities. Older adults are invited to attend sessions in local pharmacies, churches and community centers for a cardiovascular risk assessment including blood pressure monitoring. These are led by trained non-medical staff and volunteers.
During their session, the participants complete or review their risk profile, have their blood pressure measured using specialized BP-Tru machines (it takes pressure 6 times and creates an average that is determined through research to be highly reliable), and a review of their results and recommendations based on a the CHAP protocol. Participants take home a copy of their results, as well as resources on modifiable risk factors as determined by peer review of their risk profile. Program results are sent to each participant’s family physician and regular pharmacist to enhance care if agreed to by the client.
For a full schedule see the updated newsletter.
CHAP is often paired with a dining programs that offer lunch meals.
To register for this program please call 1-844-482-7800.
An intake assessment will be completed to determine the best type of service.
Available to older adults and adults with special needs in Huron/Perth County.
Free! Call 1-844-482-7800 for more details.